
15. Dezember 2010

Umwelthauptstadt Hamburg: Today Hamburg Got the Award "European Green Capital" in Brussels

"Hamburg, the 2010 winner, has an excellent track record and is now achieving high environmental standards across the board. The city also has ambitious plans for the future, promising additional improvements."  The jury´s conclusion upon choosing Hamburg as European Green Capital.

Last week Hamburg started advertising on billboards for European Green Capital. The award has benn given also for promising improvements.

This month Hamburg promised to clean cycle tracks from snow and ice. 180 km of cycle tracks were announced to be cleaned. But cyclists were surprised: Only promises that were not carried out.
Cycle track uncleaned under European Green Capital billboard

The few  people who didn´t give up cycling used the sidewalks next to the uncleaned cycle tracks these days
Ludwig-Erhard-Straße: This cycle track should have been cleaned like many others

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