
23. November 2010

Winter Is Going to Come This Week - Remember Last Winter Cycling

Der Winter kommt diese Woche - Denk an den letzten Fahrrad-Winter / Stefan Warda
Hamburg Winter cycle paradise
Due to weather forecast winter will reach Hamburg this week. I woke up this morning with the pictures in mind of last winter cycling in Hamburg. I remember having had studded tires on my bike. It was a very long winter, and I remember being cycled the whole winter season. Prepare your bikes for winter fun and enjoy pictures of last winter dreams. / Stefan Warda
Scharbeutzer Straße 2010* / Stefan Warda
Friedensallee 2010* / Stefan Warda
Millerntordamm 2010* / Stefan Warda
Osterstraße 2010* / Stefan Warda
Barmbeker Markt 2010* / Stefan Warda
Binnenalster 2010* / Stefan Warda
Bramfelder Chaussee 2010* / Stefan Warda
Bike lane at Grindelallee 2010*
Radfahrstreifen Grindelallee 2010* / Stefan Warda
Lombardsbrücke 2010* / Stefan Warda
Volksdorf 2010* / Stefan Warda
Willy-Brandt-Straße 2010* / Stefan Warda
Stephansplatz 2010* / Stefan Warda
Eppendorfer Baum 2010* / Stefan Warda
Hohenesch 2010: On sidewalks snow had to be accumulated for several weeks* / Stefan Warda
Barnerstraße 2010: Remember the little snow-clearers all around on the cycle tracks and cyclists had to slow down for them working*

The long winter period seemed to be unreal for younger generations, but grown up cyclists know deep snow layers very well. Our kids liked watching the heavy duty snow removal action more than christmas markets last winter:

The Snow Slinger of Copenhagen from Copenhagenize on Vimeo.

Sorry, I recognize, I just had a dream. It wasn´t last winter in Hamburg. I am absolutely awake now and just read the news. The department for building and environment promises to clean 180 km of cycle tracks and cycle lanes from snow and ice, but Hamburg has more than 180 km of cycle tracks with the obligation to be used. Cyclist will have to change from uncleaned cycle tracks onto the road lanes due to German traffic legislation. Don´t give up cycling in winter, cyling is always fast, easy and fun. Here a foretaste for cycling on main roads during Hamburg winter times with the eyes of a cyclist (really taken in winter 2010 on Hamburg streets): / Stefan Warda
Wallstraße 2010 / Stefan Warda
Wallstraße / Stefan Warda
Willy-Brandt-Straße / Stefan Warda
Bürgerweide / Stefan Warda
Bürgerweide 2010 / Stefan Warda
Bürgerweide 2010, some weeks later / Stefan Warda
Millerntordamm 2010 / Stefan Warda
Glockengießerwall 2010

More about cycling in winter under - Building Better Bicycle Cultures: Copenhagen Cycling in the Snow

Winter in Kopenhagen
Copenhagen community keeps it´s cycle tracks clear about two meters wide.
Copenhagen community snow removal - English
Kopenhagen Winterdienst - Deutsch
Vi rydder veje og cykelstier - Dansk (PDF)

Winter in Malmö
Malmö community - Swedish

Winter in Hamburg
Winterdienst Hamburg - Deutsch (PDF)
Räum- und Streupflichten in Hamburg - Deutsch
Snow removal in Hamburg - English

Winter in selected other German Cities
Winterdienst Kiel (PDF) 
Winterdienst Ahrensburg
Winterdienst Lüneburg
Winterdienst Bremen
Winterdienst Neumünster
Winterdienst München

* Pictures´ solution: First picture taken in Hamburg, the next two in Neumünster, fourth to fifteenth in Copenhagen, the last eight in Hamburg.

1 Kommentar:

  1. It's a shame more cities don't clear bike paths.
    I ride no matter what the weather.

    Here where I live (Ontario, Canada) snow is usually pushed into the bike lanes, then cleared at a much later date. It's not as if we have separated bike lanes, they are simply on-street (painted lines).

    From what I hear, Montréal will be clearing some of their cycle-paths this winter (which are separate). Usually they are turned into on-street parking during the winter.
